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Hi Mom!


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Hi Mom!

A conversation with Mom should be a comforting safe space. Imagine a place where your thoughts and feelings are given value and love. When you have a place where you feel heard, unconditionally loved and free to just be yourself, you release the burdens of stress, fear and confusion.


You can set yourself up to heal and grow in that space where everything you are is accepted. When you connect with a person whose focus is solely on you, in support and strength, your mindset is freed to love yourself and you know you are never alone.  Sadly, some of us no longer have this space. Even more, some of us never had this space ... until now.


Spirit Pines Wellness offers this safe connection through our coaching sessions Mom and Me. In this environment, you are given space to talk, to release all the stress and burdens that hold you back from the person you are and want to be in this world just by being valued  and validated for exactly who you are.

Mom and a Child
  • 30 min

    25 Canadian dollars
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